You know it is spring when:
You dare to run in shorts
You find that you are squinting because it is bright out
The kids ask for popsicles......already
You are asked, in a very urgent manner, to get a jar and poke holes in the lid for worms and bugs
Kids melt after being in the yard forever and it isn't even lunch
Tulips are everywhere
Allergy medicine goes on Sale
People are actually walking here and there
People seem more friendly
Iced coffee is ordered without hesitation
Magazines are preparing the world for bikini season (seriously a waste of paper to print this)
Lawn mowers are clipping at the speed of light
Dirt is the new skin care regime to those under the age of 12
It is gorgeous today. Of course, it will probably only last until sunset, but we are basking in the warm sun and fresh air. It will be lovely to watch soccer in the dry weather and not whip out the umbrellas and struggle to keep warm and dry!!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
Happy Birthday Chloe

Chloe had her 8th birthday.....finally. She got to spend the night before at Kennedy School with Grandma Suzzie then had birthday breakfast before heading off to school. She was tickled pink! Being 8 is very busy. There is basketball, Brownies (troop), friends, crafts to do, letters to write, parties to plan. sigh, who knew?! Happy 8th Birthday Chloe!!!!!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Beck!

Happy Birthday Sweet B! Our littlest little is 3 today. He started his day with a ham and cheese croissant and playing rocket and finished with a rousing game of basketball with his brothers and sister. Apparently when you are very first 3 you do not like *anything* at all. For example: "I don't like Santa Claus, I don't like m&m's (clearly, I realize he is not thinking before speaking) I don't like lunch or breakfast, I don't like red cars, I don't like the store......" So, I asked him if he liked birthday cake to which he obviously said no to. That lasted all of two minutes when suddenly he liked everything he had not moments before. Hopefully his testing of age 3 was done during the car ride to the grocery store.
Ironically, Beck woke up from his nap at the same time as his birth. It was so crazy. A few minutes after he finally fully awakened he turned my head to his and smothered me in kisses. It gave me a chill this moment of tenderness. He is such a sweetheart. Happy Birth-day baby B!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
One Day, One hour, One minute, one second
There is not many things more annoying than forgetting to change the alarm clock on a day off.
4:42am: alarm goes off.
4:42.30: alarm gets turned off.
7:20: small human alarm gives slobbery, yet sweet kisses
7:40: get out of bed, begin waking everyone else up
7:41: put last of beans into grinder to make coffee, add to grocery list
7:45: rewake everyone
7:48: round up lunch boxes, empty out half eaten lunch, begin making lunches
7:50: holler to wake them up
8:10: attempt to get dressed while dressing two others
8:12: stop everything to pour boiling water into french press. will it to brew faster today.
8:20: find socks, shoes, water bottles, backpacks, folders, housekeys, library books, hairclips
8:25: change poopy diaper
8:25.30 chase half naked toddler to re-dress
8:30: realize that my once molten lava hot coffee is now only "hot" but pour into travel mug.
chug a few ounces to add remaining amount from pot to mug.
9:30: arrive at Baker Spice to buy pie slices. A % of sales goes to charity! Pie for a Cause!
9:57: Market of Choice to buy some groceries and ZBeanz coffee.
10:00: Back already hurting from pushing "Customer in Training" mini-cart. B is in another aisle
10:20: finally make it to coffee aisle. Out of my beans. As a consolation, buy Mrs.Meyers
laundry detergent in Gardenia. We may as well smell nice.
10:25: Return 1/3 of items that mysteriously made their way into cart. B finds shelf of wine
glasses that are sooo purty. Note to self: find Patient Parenting book at Library.
10:40: Wrestle two bags of groceries, bottle of detergent, and a coat-vs-B. Coat wins
11:00: Home. WHAT?! 7 dwarves must have had a hay day in the house whilst I was gone.
There are plates with sticky syrup and bowls of drying cereal all over the counter, toast
crumbs, and old homework on the table. harumph.
11:10: Reheat coffee, even though slightly jittery. It's freezing outside and need to warm up.
11:30: Proceed to find a good playlist on line, crank it up, and begin cleaning the house for the
pending photos to be taken later in the day. Try to be chipper about it.
11:30.30: B is hungry. Debate whether or not to make a good lunch or quick lunch, or hope he
falls asleep watching the show I am about to let him see. Realize that on many levels this
is a bad idea. Make tasty lunch in the really clean kitchen. Damn, more crumbs. Sure
there is a huge sugar ant nest waiting to come inside to taunt me.
12:00: find not one, but TWO brooms! B comes to my rescue to help. Sings Teamwork song. I
think this is adorable and we have a nice conversation about helping.
12:20: B is sweeping the fridge. He will not stop, even after I glare at him and put the broom
down 100 times. Apparently the fridge, which is stainless steel, is very, very filty and
*needs* brooming on the outside.
12:21: unenlist B's help, hide the broom, put away 600 flashcards that got angrily emptied out.
2:00: Naptime donkey-kicked me. Brian arrives home, I hightail it out for longoverdue run.
Still jacked up on coffee and carbs, crank out a quick run, but have to finish at the school
to bring kids home.
3:20 Home from school, kids got rides home from C's playdate mom. Photographer taking
pictures of house.
4:00: yearbook carpool. Try to stifle giggle at hearing the teen chatter. Three girls, my son.
5:10: Take N to central pickup for soccer carpool. Continue drinking reheated coffee.
5:20: Feeling pretty smug that I put pork roast in oven earlier. The house looks and smells great
and I revel in the temporary state.
6:30: Eat dinner
6:30.01: up from table to refill milk glasses, pull B from under table, more salad dressing, etc.
7:00: Baths for the two littles, read paper and fold clothes.
8:00: Resolve tantrum, realize that it will take a bigger book than Patient Parenting.
10:00: immerse self in really bad "reality" tv, but it is enjoyable and all children are asleep.
4:42am: alarm goes off.
4:42.30: alarm gets turned off.
7:20: small human alarm gives slobbery, yet sweet kisses
7:40: get out of bed, begin waking everyone else up
7:41: put last of beans into grinder to make coffee, add to grocery list
7:45: rewake everyone
7:48: round up lunch boxes, empty out half eaten lunch, begin making lunches
7:50: holler to wake them up
8:10: attempt to get dressed while dressing two others
8:12: stop everything to pour boiling water into french press. will it to brew faster today.
8:20: find socks, shoes, water bottles, backpacks, folders, housekeys, library books, hairclips
8:25: change poopy diaper
8:25.30 chase half naked toddler to re-dress
8:30: realize that my once molten lava hot coffee is now only "hot" but pour into travel mug.
chug a few ounces to add remaining amount from pot to mug.
9:30: arrive at Baker Spice to buy pie slices. A % of sales goes to charity! Pie for a Cause!
9:57: Market of Choice to buy some groceries and ZBeanz coffee.
10:00: Back already hurting from pushing "Customer in Training" mini-cart. B is in another aisle
10:20: finally make it to coffee aisle. Out of my beans. As a consolation, buy Mrs.Meyers
laundry detergent in Gardenia. We may as well smell nice.
10:25: Return 1/3 of items that mysteriously made their way into cart. B finds shelf of wine
glasses that are sooo purty. Note to self: find Patient Parenting book at Library.
10:40: Wrestle two bags of groceries, bottle of detergent, and a coat-vs-B. Coat wins
11:00: Home. WHAT?! 7 dwarves must have had a hay day in the house whilst I was gone.
There are plates with sticky syrup and bowls of drying cereal all over the counter, toast
crumbs, and old homework on the table. harumph.
11:10: Reheat coffee, even though slightly jittery. It's freezing outside and need to warm up.
11:30: Proceed to find a good playlist on line, crank it up, and begin cleaning the house for the
pending photos to be taken later in the day. Try to be chipper about it.
11:30.30: B is hungry. Debate whether or not to make a good lunch or quick lunch, or hope he
falls asleep watching the show I am about to let him see. Realize that on many levels this
is a bad idea. Make tasty lunch in the really clean kitchen. Damn, more crumbs. Sure
there is a huge sugar ant nest waiting to come inside to taunt me.
12:00: find not one, but TWO brooms! B comes to my rescue to help. Sings Teamwork song. I
think this is adorable and we have a nice conversation about helping.
12:20: B is sweeping the fridge. He will not stop, even after I glare at him and put the broom
down 100 times. Apparently the fridge, which is stainless steel, is very, very filty and
*needs* brooming on the outside.
12:21: unenlist B's help, hide the broom, put away 600 flashcards that got angrily emptied out.
2:00: Naptime donkey-kicked me. Brian arrives home, I hightail it out for longoverdue run.
Still jacked up on coffee and carbs, crank out a quick run, but have to finish at the school
to bring kids home.
3:20 Home from school, kids got rides home from C's playdate mom. Photographer taking
pictures of house.
4:00: yearbook carpool. Try to stifle giggle at hearing the teen chatter. Three girls, my son.
5:10: Take N to central pickup for soccer carpool. Continue drinking reheated coffee.
5:20: Feeling pretty smug that I put pork roast in oven earlier. The house looks and smells great
and I revel in the temporary state.
6:30: Eat dinner
6:30.01: up from table to refill milk glasses, pull B from under table, more salad dressing, etc.
7:00: Baths for the two littles, read paper and fold clothes.
8:00: Resolve tantrum, realize that it will take a bigger book than Patient Parenting.
10:00: immerse self in really bad "reality" tv, but it is enjoyable and all children are asleep.
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