Happy Birthday Sweet B! Our littlest little is 3 today. He started his day with a ham and cheese croissant and playing rocket and finished with a rousing game of basketball with his brothers and sister. Apparently when you are very first 3 you do not like *anything* at all. For example: "I don't like Santa Claus, I don't like m&m's (clearly, I realize he is not thinking before speaking) I don't like lunch or breakfast, I don't like red cars, I don't like the store......" So, I asked him if he liked birthday cake to which he obviously said no to. That lasted all of two minutes when suddenly he liked everything he had not moments before. Hopefully his testing of age 3 was done during the car ride to the grocery store.
Ironically, Beck woke up from his nap at the same time as his birth. It was so crazy. A few minutes after he finally fully awakened he turned my head to his and smothered me in kisses. It gave me a chill this moment of tenderness. He is such a sweetheart. Happy Birth-day baby B!