I am not sure what it was that made me do it. Temporary "fun" insanity, lack of morning coffee, or desperation, or was it a combo platter of them all? Somehow I convinced my friend Cheryl that it would be just great if she and her daughter Clara met us for a run along corridor from OMSI. Nathan and Chloe rode their bikes while Cheryl and I ran with the Clara and Beck in the joggers. Okay, it was fun and I got my run in (that's the desperate part) and we did get coffee afterwards. Plus, Cheryl and I could actually carry on a conversation in person. It was 7 miles of nice easy fatburning miles. We had to talk the bike riders out of 10 miles (apparently we are pansies) and bargained to turn around when the "path ends." Clara was ready to go home so lucky for us we were not lying when we said we were headed there. Beck fell asleep, Nathan got a rubbed finger, and Chloe? Well, she just pedals on and on. Sometimes she gets sidetracked and ends up in the grass but for the most part she stayed on her side.
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