I am not a soccer mom, nor a baseball/gymnastics/romp-n-roll/basketball/swimteam mom. If you call me any of the above you will see stink eye. Okay, so I agree I sort of *look* the part, but I assure you that I am not the part. In fact, if you are driving and see this debacle the thought "soccer mom" could in fact cross your mind in which case I will sense this and give you stink eye. Seriously folks, that is an insult. If I were indeed a soccer mom then I would be knowing a lot more about the game, the stats, chugging diet coke for the first morning game, wearing the team colors, and making other people feel uncomfortable. I suppose I would also be carrying a cooler of Capri Sun and Kudo's bars at all times. In case a soccer mom is reading this I apologize and want to be the first to let you know how much I respect your dedication. Honestly. This evening I spent 90% of Nathan's baseball game in the long jump pit while Beck played in it. The other 10% was spent chasing him around the track to tire him out, taking Chloe to the bathroom, playing catch with B, and trying not to infringe on Jake's cool factor. Oh, I did have fun in this beautiful weather and even enjoyed a few minutes talking with the other parents. Much to my surprise I even expressed how the weather would have been double header friendly. Gasp! The only reason I knew the game was over was because some mom brought out a cooler full of popsicles.